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Friday, October 30, 2009

Viva la Pun!

Revolution Readers is for people who like shiny things and then something that will keep the shiny things at bay. Well what I mean, in English, is that the blog is very well designed (shiny) and entirely charming and readable. The writing is easy to read but not children’s-book-ee, it’s entertaining and deep. Who would ever think, well considering the images of freedom fighters that play as their logo?

Personally, I get bored very easily and will often stop reading halfway through a piece, however, this blog (which can be found at
http://revolutionreaders.blogspot.com) managed to keep my attention through four whole posts before I realized that I was actually running out of time to actually write this review!

The article “Final Blog Post” really made me think about my own life and how easily I take being happy for granted, and it’s not very often that things make me think deeply about my own life and how good I’ve got it. Reading through the titles of each post also made me realize how witty and smart the writers are, however, not only do the writers appear witty and smart but their writing makes YOU feel witty and smart when you take the time to actually read the posts. Another post, “A Hairy Situation”, was not only enlightening to the tedious life of keeping African hair good-lookin’ but insightful in the way that the author used her own experiences to question beauty.

I really enjoyed this blog. And I say this for reasons other than the fact that these kids really know how to PUN.