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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Patriotism to Our Musos

South Africans (not all, but some) have a bad habbit of criticising South African music. They're more than willing to splurge on international band albums and pay up for their gigs while the music created in their home land are neglected. Don't get me wrong, there are some die-hard SA-band groupies. As for the rest of you...
It is about time South African music got the recognition it deserves. The problem lies in the fact that because the support here is not strong enough so our extremely talented musos venture abroad for willing souls to steal. This type of behaviour must be stopped and the answer lies in you and only you. Support support support.
I came across a music video of two Capetonian brothers that have recently, as recently as yesterday, signed a deal with BGM in Belgium. Don't let them become another loss to our beautiful country.

WATCH THIS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc2H1-rz-94

Do it. Just do it.