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Monday, October 26, 2009

Going Crazy From Books!

An opinions piece. That’s what is required of me and I suppose I could have used one of the many posts I have already written for this blog as they are purely my opinion, however, it is only fitting to come up with something new and exciting. But what? And then it hit me.

I live across the road from the university library! It’s a glorious thing during exams and near due dates, a highly convenient situation I will admit. What’s the catch? For the past 8 months that I have resided in this room I have woken up to drilling and other such construction noises. Not such a highly convenient situation after all.

Yes, I fully understand that the new extension on the library will benefit everyone, once it’s done, and that logically the noise will result in a positive improvement on my studies, eventually, however, currently the noise is driving me mad. But the noise will result in a better library. So the question is, will it really be beneficial to me to be mad while the university is benefiting from a better library? If I turn 100% crazy how will an improved library help me if I’m sitting in a white, padded cell in the psyc ward? I suppose it will help the people in the psychology department who are looking for a way to fix me… But maybe not considering the psyc department is my neighbour and we’ll all end up crazy together!

My mind is a balloon being filled with a never ending supply of knowledge, however, to keep that never ending supply never ending, the man is pressing on my balloon with a very hazardous drill!