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Monday, October 26, 2009

Locked in Language

Words are superfluous entities. They cage us into a world of semi-conformity and are merely a reaction to the way in which we think or experience life.
Imagine you have never experienced the colour red and I was to try my utmost to explain it to you. I would tell you that it is warm and passionate but violent and harsh; it is the colour of love but that of bloodshed too. There is no way that a mind can grasp that concept unless experienced by the brain in question. Words fail to accurately grapple the true meaning of pain, of love, of guilt. Unless first-hand experience is engaged with, nothing else remains besides worthless words that may as well be gibberish.

We have been falsely informed that language is in fact a mechanism designed to free the soul of its emotions and beliefs, a way in which to express what lies at the heart. However, it has failed. Here, I am referring to any and every language. Yes, the Swiss have 12 words for snow and the Arabs have various words for “brain” or “common sense”. This only means that some languages have a greater ability to come close to the reality but fall short in reaching it.

Although, admittedly, it is vital to have a way in which to communicate between one other, I find it even more vital to ensure that you do not misinterpret this as a liberating practise. The only way one can truly free their mind and heart is to dedicate themselves to embracing situations and learn that words hold no validity when attempting to explain what the body and mind experiences.