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Friday, October 30, 2009


So on Friday morning I did my everyday getting ready for lectures routine. I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, put my swagger on and went to lectures. The lecture that I went to on this particular morning was very interesting. In this lecture the first thing I realised was that the students were different, they were all dressed the same...simple. When I say simple I mean nothing like what I am used to, the male species were dressed in simple pants, tops and shoes, in fact even the females. Funny enough I found this to be wired, I’m so used to BA students who dress up in colourful clothing, have distinguished hairstyles and looking like fabulous fashion esters.

As an individual you get so used to the norm of your everyday lifestyle and expect everyone around you to be and act the way you’re used to. When I sat in this lecture I felt and saw the difference, I had this feeling that everyone was looking at me asking each other “who is she?” Maybe I was a little bit paranoid or something. Every single student in the lecture room sat in the front and no one came in late or walked out of the lecture room, which was impressive.

I could say the reason I went to this lecture is because it’s been something I’ve actually wanted to do and never had the courage and chance to. That would be a lie, because I went to the 11:25 Friday lecture instead of the 10:30 lecture. This was something I have never done before, going to a wrong lecture, let alone a pharmacy lecture! Anyways, I guess this was an unexpected experience; it was fun and worth it. I finally got to find out what those Rhodes University students in white lab coast learn.