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Friday, October 30, 2009

"All truly great thoughts are formed by walking"

a comic strip!

I often get caught up in the routine of my life in Grahamstown, I begin to think that the world consists of my residence at the top of Prince Alfred Street and BP in Africa Street. Only by separating myself from the town entirely, am I reminded that Grahamstown is just a bubble and Rhodes a smaller bubble within a bubble.

I decided to pop this bubble, by venturing into the great unknown the hills just outside the town and take a meditative walk up away from civilization. I find that I do my best thinking and reflecting while walking, whether to a lecture or depending on my state from a night out at 4am.
By heading up aimlessly without any eventual destination, I can sometimes remind myself its not about the destination it's about the ride.

I proceeded at the unholy hour of 8am to walk down from my res towards the fence, I then wedged myself through the gate and there I was, free! Outside Grahamstown, outside my worries and routines which have made up my first year at Rhodes. It's a reminder that there is a world outside this small town which I have begun to call home.

I walked up through the Eastern Cape bush until I found a path of sorts, which I followed. After a while I came across a rock, smooth flat rock. Now from this rock I could observe the valley outside my res, Grahamstown, the road leading to Port Elizabeth and the chimneys of the Tunnels. For I brief moment I surveyed the world beneath me and pondered the sheer possibility of life.