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Friday, October 16, 2009


By Duduzile Hlatshwayo

This past Sunday an innocent women was killed after police officers misinterpreted Section 49 of the Criminal Procedures Act and instructions by President Jacob Zuma and other government leaders, to increase police force on criminals and “shoot to kill”. Now everyone is asking the question who’s to blame: the politicians or police?

We could debate whether Zuma said and should be blamed for saying, “shoot to kill”. The poor president could have said do not kill, speak gently to criminals instead of shooting them, and straight after than five cops get killed. He would still be blamed.

However, he cannot be blamed for this incident. When Zuma and other government officials announced that force should be used to stop criminals most people, if not everyone agreed and cheered at the idea. Secondly, he clearly stated at the presidential launch of hotline, that the police have the duty to protect themselves and the lives of people, and ONLY when great threat is posed to them do they have the right to use force. This was not the case when the innocent woman was shot on Sunday.

So, are we seriously going to ask the question who’s to blame, let alone think that the amendment of Section 49, which was previously amended after the case of S vs. Williams, is going to change things? Nothing will change, instead the police need to admit to incompetence and Section 49 needs to be explained and understood properly because a new law will only lead to another incident.