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Friday, October 30, 2009

Traffic + Planning = Bad Combo

I’m not the most organized person on the planet. Alright I’m the worst! I mean I had a four page assignment due at 09h30 this morning that I decided to only start at 05h00 this morning. So to choose something I wouldn’t normally do or become involved in a group I normally wouldn’t associate with becomes a little difficult when you’re like me – unorganized and up for pretty much anything! The only thing to do then, with that definition of myself, was to become organized for the day. OK if you must insist, from 05h00 to 17h00, 12 hours should suffice.

Last night I got down and planned my day. To the letter (and then promptly slumped into bed to watch a movie instead of doing my Sociology assignment).

I woke up at exactly 05h00 when my alarm went off, no snooze button today, I took 5 minutes to do the regular morning wake up ritual (some do coffee, I do Berocca and moisturizer) and then gave myself exactly four hours to start and complete my Sociology assignment. Then at 09h00 I got off my bed and went downstairs to print the assignment. This gave me 25 minutes to get ready for the day which by exactly 09h30 I was perfectly ready for. By 09h35 I was sitting in my tutorial of which I will not bore you with details, by 10h40 I was back in my room and already using up the 5 minute toilet break I had budgeted for on a cake sale on the way back home I sat down to write my review. NO SUCH LUCK. The powers of Hollywood drew me in and I promptly wasted an hour and a half of my meticulously timed day. By 12:10 I was on my way to lunch and again failed to leave on time for the pharmacy by 12h30. My plan on a 30 minute town trip ended up taking an hour thanks to payday and glorious traffic conditions. So by the time I got into my room to finally complete my two journalism assignments at 14h00, both due at 17h00, I notice that RUconnected is down from 16h00 thus leaving me with a mere hour to complete each assignment!

The moral of this story, kids, is that people who plan are wasting their time as it never works out anyway and you just become forlorn when it doesn’t work out. So don’t plan! The other more side-note-ish point is that you shouldn’t go to town on payday. You’ll get hit by a car and die.