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Friday, October 16, 2009

America has “Super Powers”

By Rose Molefe

Barack Obama has been honoured with a Noble Peace Prize for his great words of humility. ‘I pledge allegiance’ to the: tell me what this means?

Obama winning a noble peace prize amazes me, as those who have won it in previous years can point out specific achievements.
Martin Ahtisaari, for his important efforts to resolve international conflicts, won the award for the year 2008. In 1984 Bishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu took the award for his work against apartheid.

Three of America’s presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president, was awarded the prize in 1906 after negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War. Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president, won in 1919 for his peacemaking efforts during World War I. Jimmy Carter, 39th president, for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.
Barack Obama, the 40th president, awarded for genetically being born with dark skin. However, the rest of the Noble committee, are defending him on his win.

The man has not been president for more than 10 months and already, his been ranked with people who have spent decades striving for some sort of social change. Before we know it, Julius Malema will be in line for receiving a Noble Peace Prize, for being consistent in his high levels of illiteracy.

The term noble, should be clarified, I do not disregard that Obama has brought some sort of change by being the first black American president, but is that all black folks receive recognition for?…the colour of their skin.