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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Run This Town"

By Rose Molefe
Jay-Z's new album, The Blueprint III, is said to have sold 476,000 records in it's first week. The hit single of the album "Run This Town", is deemed for passing a 'demonic' message, this has not been proven, but the signs are there. The song seems to praise all "Black Men", by deeming them as God's and having the power to overthrow the actual God in heaven.

He is one of the most financially successful hip hop artists and entrepreneurs in America, having a net worth of over $150 million, shipping over 30 million copies of his albums in the United States alone and receiving several Grammy Awards for his musical work. Jay-Z also co-owns the 40/40 Club and the NBA's New Jersey Nets and is also the creator of the clothing line Rocawear, one could swear he actually "Runs This Town".

In the music video to the song; he's pictured wearing a sweatshirt with the phrase "do what thou wilt" printed across the chest. "Do What Thou Wilt" is the official dictum of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and of its reformer, occultist Aleister Crowley. The O.T.O. is a hermetic order modeled after Freemasonry and German Illuminism and teaches its initiates the secrets of the Mysteries, gnosticism, sex magick, Kaballah and other occult sciences. Contrarily to Freemasonry, the O.T.O. is however based on the "Law of Thelema" which main precept is "Do What Thou Wilt be the whole of the Law". Although this saying was interpreted in different ways, most agree that it refers to the dismissal of conventional moral and ethical rules in order to find one's "True Will". In other words, the usual guidelines by which good and evil are determined have to be blurred and forgotten to obtain the true path to illumination.

Although not officially considered "satanic", the O.T.O. does fully embrace the Luciferian doctrine.

"Run This Town" is an announcement of the coming of a New World Order, lead by secret (Luciferian) societies. At the beginning of the video, a man hands a lit torch to Rihanna who holds it up in the air. This symbolic gesture sums up perfectly the concept of the video. Anybody vaguely familiar with occultism can easily associate the symbol of the lit torch held high to Lucifer a.k.a. the Light Bearer. Most occult orders secretly acknowledge Lucifer as being the savior of humanity, the fallen angel who liberated men from the oppression of the biblical God (Jehovah, Yahweh). At the philosophical center of this new world order: the Luciferian Doctrine, where men are free to become gods by their own means.

When Jay-Z comes along and announces the coming of "Roc Nation",he is asking you to "Pledge your allegiance" to the new ruler and to wear black everything to honor him, since he is 'black' and is a god. Jay-Z's lyrics contain hints to Freemasonry who are hidden in the double meaning of some lines, one would have to pay close attention so as to understand.

Because all this is suspicion, we can only say that Jay-Z has "affinities" with occultism and secret societies. "Run This Town" only adds to the suspicions surrounding him due to the symbolism and philosophy displayed in the video. I know where I stand, do you?

Peace, Love and Vegetables. O_o

Read More: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112998783

Just type the words: Jay-Z the antichrist, or Jay-Z and the lost symbol, etc.