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Monday, October 19, 2009

The Damn Transport System In This Country Is Fucking Up My Plans!

Warning: This post contains vulgar language and massive anger directed at anything/anyone that will take it!

Sorry about this but I am a very very pissed off blogger today and the steam needs to be let out! To put things in perspective I have now officially failed my drivers test twice. That is two times for those of you who need clarification. Some of you may be saying, well I failed more than that, what is this bitch moaning about?? Well let me tell you!

Firstly, the deal with my parental units was that they would pay for all the firsts, the minute I fail it's coming out my pocket!
Secondly, it costs R245 just to book the damn test. Then it's R183 if you pass. Then it's R135 for every hour you use the driving schools car. Not exactly a cheap thing to fail over and over again, agree? And seriously, why is it so fucking expensive to get a laminated card that says I'm allowed to drive when I've been driving since I was 14 and perfectly cappable (and if I don't say so myself, a much better driver than most people I know who pasted their tests first time and have been driving for a while)?
Normally I'm not so paranoid but I think that this whole system is a scam to rob innocent teenagers of their money!!! (and their bloody time!)
Thirdly, my learners licence expires on the 2nd of November ... Yes in TWO FREAKING WEEKS!!! and just guess when the next available test date is??? - January! This means I'm also going to have to fork out the extra R180 (to book) + R59 (for the paper that says I can drive as long as there is a licenced driver in the front seat) to get a new learners (nevermind the time taken to restudy for the stupid test)!!

Really sorry about the ranting but how is it that people can get a licence in the Cannary Islands (or whatever island it actually is) by driving up and down a dirt road when I have to suffer through "mirror, morror, blindspot, indicate, mirror, break, stop, handbreak, first, clutch control, all around check, blindspot, mirror, intersection, go" everytime I come to a freaking stop street or if I stop anywhere for that matter!! Oh and if you roll forward just 5 millimeters when you're supposed to be going backwards well just have the R245 ready. It's honestly insane and who really does all that when they're driving anyway?

I've failed twice now and I'm going to have to rewrite my learners before I can attempt to do the test again, this means that my plans to road trip with my brother this holiday are shot to hell. I'm not saying it's not my fault I failed but more that I'm frustrated with the damn system leaching me of my time and money!!!
Something has to change, the reason there are so many idiotic drivers on the roads is because the tests are rediculous and it's much much easier to buy a licence (trust me!). The stress of the test is enough without having to worry about checks and such idiotic time wasting elements that the transport department decides are necessary!