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Friday, October 30, 2009

Reading the Revolution

As a nascent journalist, it is vital to remain in touch with the mediated world. What others write and say is an important way in which to gauge the journalistic personality I would like to take on. It is also important in learning how to distinguish between what is good and what simply leaves much to be desired. Along my path in doing such ‘research’ I came across the Revolution Readers blog. This blog holds an educated, academic calibre throughout yet gives taste to that which is interesting, different and amusing.

With headlines such as: “Academic books… Booooring,” “Scenes from Grahamstown,” “Gone are the Days…” and the like, it is clear that the blog touches on everyday commentary. It speaks to the masses and has posts that are easy to relate to and they clearly share a commonality with their readers.

On the other hand, however, their more serious topics that revolve around hard news and more serious issues like stigmas and change are well researched and offer great insight. Each post is carefully attended to and offers new ideas and the sharing of beliefs.
Along with this, their posts were often decorated with photos that add another aspect to the writing. It brings it alive and makes the read that much more effective.

As Samuel Johnson quite aptly put it “What is written without effort is in generally read without pleasure.” I enjoyed making my way through posts that ranged from personal matters to more broad topics that were all equally well-equipped with effort.