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Friday, October 30, 2009

I Have No Idea...

The first year journalism blogs screech with words like student journalist, Rhodes University, Grahamstown and purple. The blogs are overloaded with students that write about pretty much whatever pops into their head at the keyboard. What makes I Have No Idea stand out is that the four students at the keyboard HAVE AN IDEA and know how to write about it. These students can write quite comfortably about what they know - the adventurous experiences they’ve went through and issue that they want other bloggers to know about. At the same time, I Have No Idea is targeted at today’s generation, enlightening individuals to know about and understand the issues that surround them, at times, through the use of free spirited writing. This blog gives out a feeling and visualisation of cleanness, its content is conspicuous which draws in the blogger to read more. What’s humorous about the blog is that on the home page the tool bar that links to photos, videos and contact details can not be used or should we say ‘is still under construction’. I Have No Idea is a really cool blog and if its creators continued to blog and improve it, it could stand a chance in gaining recognition and being established as one of the top student blogs on the internet.

A taste of I Have No Idea post: The night before last, a friend and I took a drive to find a cemetery. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and we felt like being adventurous.