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Thursday, September 24, 2009

What is cool?

What is cool? We base large segmants of our lives on this question, we urgently have to keep in touch with the s0-called cool gurus to know what to wear, what to say and how to identify yourselves. Well I think this is completely the right direction to find a guru of cool, I just think most of us have deluded interpretations of who these guru's are, I suggest we need to look no further than the great Miles Davis. Anybody who knows anything about Miles, knows this cat was cool, slick, smooth, chilled, beyond out mere mortal limits of cool. He was so cool he created a genre of Jazz known as cool Jazz, you just have to listen to segmants of such masterpieces as 'A Kind of Blue', 'the Birth of Cool' or the anarchic 'Bitches Brew' to understand what cool is.

Music is really impossible to do justice to in words, it conjure up feelings, emotions and thoughts which our very limited language cannot accurately describe and Miles is a prime example of this. You can listen to the opening trumpet sounds of 'All Blues' and be take anywhere from a smokey, sensual, dark and cheap Jazz club in 50's Chicago to a trip across the wave of improvised sound across the oceans of cool which transcend from Mile's trumpet. You don't have to be a fucking degreed critic in Vanity Fair or the New Yorker to label all things Miles as cool.

Jazz is erotic it stands alone from other types of music in the sheer amount of importance it attaches to improvisation, much like sex you provide a basic rhythem and than add in changes from it as you go long and genereally just go with the flow. You only have to listen to some of Mile's epic improv solo's to realise this man is not human he is a Dionysus of music. He is the decadent, animalistic, creative spirit who playfully dances out of the mundane human suffering known as life and in the process creates something higher, more meaningful, pure creativity, something which can really provide meaning.