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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Going to Lectures

Lectures: what we as university students are supposed to attend on a daily basis!!

University students response to the above statement: "HAHAHAHA"
Let us not name which lectures we are talking about in fear of offending certain parties (who can probably see through my evasive bullshit anyway by looking at the minimal attendance of their lectures), but seriously would you rather have a good sleep-in ignoring the alarm and hitting the snooze button every 5 minutes than go to a lecture you know is going to be a waste of your time??? If you answer no - YOU'RE A LIAR - don't deny it!
The exact thing happened to me this morning... so where's the critique part of this blog you ask?? well here it is... during the following lecture (which I did attend -10 points for me, yay!) I asked a fellow student, who I knew went to the lecture I had slept through, what the lecture was like - just in case by some miracle I had missed something - she answered (in her exact words) "umm er well" so my conclusion.... Shit I missed some life changing lecture!!! NOT.

So by a critical analysis we can now conclude that if it is available to you, get the notes off the internet and save yourself the uncomfortable sleep-in you'll get anyway if you do attend the lecture instead of taking my advise to stay in bed... warm fuzzy sleep - mmm

Peace, love and vegetables


zamo-rose =) said...

I agree to disagree...(That's me acting like the diligent student which I have desired to be since I enrolled in university).

Sleep may be better than attending a lecture, yes, especially in our highly appreciated form of 'spring' were having lately. But on the other hand, it is the laziest act of perserverance...(there I go again, diligent one).

We score poorly at end of term and glance at our lecturers once a 'below average' appears on our ROSS account, why?...because of this very act of boycotting lectures.

Oh well, wether you attend or not, your still a genius in your own right, because "those who don't know, teach", said a very wise somebody. So if you think about that, lecturers probably teach us crap and we miight, just might be wiser than them, so let's put up with their 'intelligence' so we can rule the world...(maybe not, that sounds like Batman and Robin)

Love, Peace and Vegetables... =D

Benjamin Fogel said...

Well all I can say is that in the particular subject, I think Cara is refering to lecture attendence does not have any relation to your marks.

Cara du Toit said...

Um well actually, I was refering to the phenomenon whereby one (relating from a true experience) can skip lectures in 1 particular subject and still get a second class pass!!! but I like the argument!!!

TheJoanne said...

The only problem is that this is not possible in some subjects. And some of these lecturers are sneaky. They make attendance sompulsory, and then take register. If you miss, you say "bye-bye DP". Another favourite is to do important stuff in class that you need to be there for. Like how Praeg gave us the ANSWERS to the test in advance. Bet those that missed that one were kicking themsleves...