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Monday, September 28, 2009

Do You Have an Apple?

“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas” told by George Bernard Shaw to remind us that ideas are not like any other thing we come across. Now imagine a place to share ideas with anyone generous enough to share. An abundance of ideas. That is what I aim to ensure this blog is all about. Tree Pants will “wear the pants” in the relationship between our trees of knowledge and the trees of knowledge you possess. The inquisitive mind will reside here and become exposed to possibly highly offensive criticisms and opinions of an informed calibre.

But why a blog you may ask? There are three reasons. Number 1: My Journalism marks in jeopardy if I did not aid in creating a blog. Number 2: Blogs are a platform from which we can reach all corners of the globe and expand what we know, have the chance to form opinions and to share those opinions. Number 3: Number 2. Number 2 was an important one therefore reiteration was crucial. In the world we wake up to every morning these days, there is so much going on and lots to engulf your mind in to pass it up.

My contribution will be the kind you either enjoy or the kind you despise; no grey areas. I never stand on the fence with my opinion. I find the fence a cop-out and the easy route to take when too lazy to form an opinion of your own. I have the attitude, put quite aptly by the Kings of Leon: “It’s safe to say, if I don’t get this out of me, I might quite easily end up dead.” If I have something to say, it shall be said and, unfortunately for some, I have little remorse. I tell things how I see them and love to know what is thought about what I have to say. Don’t get me wrong however; I am not merely an overly opinionated, seemingly know-it-all ranter. I do make sure my facts are accurate and that the opinion I form and share is educated. As a Journalism student I understand the importance of information and how it is portrayed.

In a nutshell, we criticise the world we witness. A vital ability to have. We have opinions on the world we witness. A vital ability to have. But above all this we want others to be sparked by what we have to say and share their apples with us.