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Monday, September 21, 2009

Thinking about having SEX?

I visited the Bantu Steven Biko Building computer labs on campus as per usual, and a pamphlet sat on the desk saying: "Thinking about having sex?: Think about contraception. Avoid an unplanned pregnancy and protect yourself against sexuality transmitted diseases".

This caught my attention immediately, my take on it: have as much sex as your hormones desire. However, just under one condition: use contraceptives. LoveLife's take on this: we are educating the youth for tomorrow.

That is so much bullocks!

First it was condoms being publically displayed like birthday balloons and now it's this crap. I have no problem with sexual activities, my problem is with the public display of promoting that it is OK to have as much sex as you want, which is true yes. But what happened to the public display of 'abstinence'. Why are we not fully informed about abstaining instead of giving me permission to reproduce unexpectedly, just under terms and conditions.

This is peoples lives we are informing here. There are many dangers that exist in this world, being informed needs to be done cautiously, these lives don't have warranties...they don't operate with terms and conditions....What's wrong wit y'all? It's confusing enough for youth to decide if they should 'give it up or not', they don't need confusion about all these different types of ways to prevent diseases that are not as major as the notorious HIV/AIDS.

I am in full support of Lovelife: your life, your choice, but I feel the ball is thrown too much in our courts as youth. Too much freedom is overwhelming and misleading. Why do you think most if not all youth spend their time in clinics and delivery wards, not because of voluntary work, but because of the state they 'chose' to put themselves in.

Educate us, don't overwhelm us...Please!

Peace, Love and Vegetables.