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Sunday, September 27, 2009

I write probably what you don't like

"Arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more offensive to us than the arrogance of those without merit: for merit itself is offensive."
Friedrich Nietzsche

So I blog what I like and what I like is generally in the context of our postmodern apathetic media saturated lives pretentious stuff like literature, philosophy etc and strangely for a member of my generation I actually am interested in and informed about the world around me. I still care about the politics of both the world and this country. Good journalism is rare especially in this age where journalism has become (partly due to blogs) an exchange of the easiest to digest information possible, to fill up the 30 seconds we have free during work.

What I hope to achieve as a blogger, is generally trying to apply my ideals, belief and general world view to a variety of subjects which affect and interest me from music to politics. In a world where apathy is encouraged by most of the institutions which attempt to control our lives a cynicism is a healthy natural reaction, questioning all the information presented to us is natural and attempting to find some meaning behind the bullshit is the job of a journalist.

Being a cynic in the sense of H.L. Mencken's definition "A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin.". I know for a fact that my blog won’t change the world, but I will still write what I like. I don’t want to dumb myself down just to appeal to a wider audience; I am intelligent and proud of it. My goal as a budding intellectual is to improve my writing and try discern any meaning I can from my confused life.

What really interests me is how I can apply as mentioned before my various ideas of aesthetics, ethics, epistemology and political views to real world causes. It might be a hopelessly pretentious task for a first year student, but still it can’t be any worse than the majority of bullshit which saturates the information age. So what if people don’t want to read about Miles Davis, Dostoevsky, the Wire or whether the religious right in South Africa is influencing policy, I want to write about these subjects. Enough blogs waste their time on Paris Hilton, people’s boring everyday problems and general meaningless ranting. I want to be more of H.L. Mencken than a Perez Hilton

In short I want to turn a internet rant into polemics of sort and an opinion on some media into criticism. I want to fight against the apathy prevalent in my generation and attempt to add a bit of interesting pretentiousness back into student issues. Since I am writing on the internet, my fears of social exclusion due to voicing an unpopular opinion are negated. My virile vitriolic attempts at entering the discourses of interest to this blogger will be my posts. In conclusion I hope to be a postmodern blogger for the postmodern age.


Flourescent Adolescent said...

In this day and age , its hard to find a youth not blinded by the curtain of mass media. Someone that looks beyond pretentious bullshit !!
keep on striving intelectual, it can only benefit you in the long run..