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Monday, September 28, 2009

Allow me to elaborate, I said my personal stance is...

William Shakespeare once said, “All the world's a stage and the men and women merely players”. Now you may be wondering what this quote has to do with blogging, and you have every right to ponder so, so allow me to elaborate!

My personal stance on life in general, stems from this profound statement, so if my life 'motto' is that we are merely actors in a great big play called life then this philosophy should somehow end up being reflected in my blogging style.

This blog (www.treepants.blogspot.com – you can never do too much advertising) is a journalism project but I am more a drama student than a journalism student and this is clearly evident in my blogs. Unlike my fellow bloggers on Tree Pants, I am not that concerned with deep and meaningful philosophies and political accomplishments, nor am I concerned with what other people think about what I write, I write what I feel, I write what I see others feeling, I write about what inspires me to write and I do not give a flying monkey if people do not like it. After all the name of this course is “I read what I like, I blog what I like” isn't it?

Tree Pants is a free space and as we have already described, is a general cultural criticism on everything. It allows for bloggers who like to sound intellectual and bloggers like myself to interact in the same space and still attract a wide range of viewers. For example, we have blogs on old school jazz (not what many people feel is 'cool' yet the author makes it attractive even to punk rock fans) and blogs on campaigns about birth control and sex, which, if I don't say so myself, is extremely controversial compared to a review on a 'cool' musician.

I feel that in order to express the true subtext of what you are writing about, you need to write in a suitable tone and in true Stanislavskian method, you need to dig deeper into what you are trying to say than what is actually written in order to present something that is believable to the audience (I told you I was a drama student). Basically what I am trying to get at, is that you can't write in a formal tone if you feel excited about something you watched, the readers will not feel what you felt. Your grammar may be horrendous but your point will come across if you write the way you feel.

So as I have said, I believe that we are all acting our parts in this world and it is the same when I write, I have to re-enact my experiences in order for you, as the reader, to experience my experiences with me.