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Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Pink Triangle...

Written by: Martin Sherman
Directed by: Robert Haxton

As a drama student myself, I am honoured the privilage of signing up for departmental productions for FREE!!!! Yay me... but as we all know, nothing in this world is free and soon I found myself paying for choosing to watch this play.

Alas, if you have already guessed that I am not referring to such trivial monetary matters you are correct dear reader for I instead found myself having to wrench out my heart and give it to those darling characters that demanded it on ransom!!!

Bent is about the persecution of homosexuals during the Nazi regime in Germany, especially during the holocaust of the Second World War. We follow the plight of Max, a homosexual man living in Berlin when the "Pink Triangle" is enforced by the Nazi party. -Just in case you didn't know, the Nazi party made certain groups of people wear different symbols to indicate what group they belonged to. For example homosexuals were pink triangles, Jews were yellow stars and so forth- Now I know we are all sick and tired of hearing about the plight of the oppressed in any situation and even more so by things such as apartheid and the holocaust but we should be made aware of these situations at least once in our lives (naivety sucks) and this play does just that!!! But of course we are not forced to look at another Jewish character but rather a gay one!

In all honesty I expected the production to be good (it is only directed by an honours student for crying out loud!!!) but never, ever did I expect what I got!!! It was amazing... I laughed, I came this close to tears [unlike Erin who just hid her face and wept like a little girl], and after the interval I wore my very own pink triangle with pride - despite the fact that I am very straight and was able to oggle at the all male cast and the lovely full frontal I got in the first 10 minutes!!!
I beg of you to spend the R15 (if you go to Rhodes, R20 if you don't) on a ticket for this play!!! DO IT NOW WHILE STOCKS LAST! and by stocks, I mean the dates of production are today, too late! tomorrow and the 26th of September at 7 pm in the Rhodes drama theatre! please please please go watch it!!! it's just THAT good, like standing ovation good!!!

Peace out


Benjamin Fogel said...

Hahahaha I will tell Ed that your were impressed with his full frontal ;). I am seeing it on Saturday