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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Impact of Television on Young Children.

Hello precious readers!!!

As I have bored you to death many times over telling you that I am indeed a drama student, I shall exclude that detail from my most recent experience from my beloved drama classes. {sarcasm har-har...

Let me first explain the tutorial system in this ever so organised department. We have three lectures a week; one 55 minute voice tutorial a week; one, 1 and a half hour movement tutorial a week and finally one, 1 and a half hour theatre-making tutorial a week. Confusing yes? Anyway...

This semester in voice we are doing a prepared poem and an impromptu speech on a random topic for our exam in two weeks and of course when I learned of the latter element to our exam it took me back down the vista of months to my matric English class and our darling Mr. White who adored his impromptus [oh, what glorious days].

Now on one of these occasions, where Mr. White had decided (or had been persuaded) that poetry and grammar were in dire need of a break, the dreaded F-word had arisen [fun] and out had popped the impromptu idea where topics were thumb-sucked and dished out to willing victims, came the inspiration for this blog post. "Explain the impact of television on young children."

This is what resulted... haha poor Mr. White.
"Good day class, as you can see here on the black board is an illustration of a television and a young child. Now pay attention class, this will be in your exam. Now if a television of about 5 kilograms is dropped from a roof top, 30 meters above the ground then the television will accelerate towards the ground at 9,8 meters per second, which is the gravity constant class. This means, class, that for every meter of that 30 meter fall the television will go 9.8 meters per second faster. Now if there is a child of about 1 meter tall standing in the trajectory of the television, the television will then only have 29 meters to fall, but at it's rate of acceleration and considering the television's weight which, class will be 50 newtons (weight = gravity +/- 10 m.s x mass of object 5 kg), the impact on the child standing under the television by the television could result in hopeless consequences for the poor child..."

This wonderful physics description was courtesy of my lovely little friend Daniele, who, despite the fact that we all knew that Mr. White wanted an oral on violence or sex on television, gave us a dazzling oral about violence through means of a television involved in a science discussion. This speech (or demonstration - call it what you will) has ceased to evacuate my brain and as a result the mere mention of an impromptu speech causes me to mentally beg that I get the same topic just so that I can demonstrate the same wit and ingenuity that she did, um well I beg so that I can copy her and appear witty and imaginative.

So I didn't really have a point, bar wanting to share one of my most precious memories with you and provide an escape for you readers from the droning compulsory blogs our journ department is making us write. So cheerio...
love, peace and vegetables