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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Like sand through the hour glass

by Rose Molefe

It's been a long time since we posted something on our blog. I guess we shouldn't have promised to "publish posts" often, because know we just jinxed our words.

How amazing it is, that time just slipped through our hands and all that is left is a memory of our good, rather random times spent together. Ben: always saying something stupid and sex related, Cara: thinking out of the box, Dudu: agreeing with the rest of us, Candice: rosey cheeks and throwing in a smart line and Me: keeping us sane.

I trust Journalism II is treating some of you guys well, regardless of how monotonous Sim and Alette sound, you chose the career now bare with it. The Journ Dept. can be very manuipulative, so be careful, people tend to be self-driven, know who drives you're vehicle and you will be just fine. Look at me go on like I have graduated, oh what the heck.....someone has to be the mother in the bunch.

Love is all I have for you and may you all remain remebered.

With Peace, Love and Vegetables
Love Rose*